Driving advices
Efficient Driving Posture.
Sitting incorrectly puts almost twice as much pressure the lumbar spine (lower back) causing strain on the soft tissues and facet joints and excess
pressure on lumbar discs. Over time Lumbar Erector Spinae (stabilising muscles) become weak and fatigued which make the lower back prone to injury such as
joint sprains and disc herniations which may end in a painful, miserable holiday.
So, how to prevent this disaster? It is all about aiming to keep the natural curvatures in the spine.
Adopt a positive posture:
Think about your posture as you drive –if you practise the tips below they will soon become a habit:
1. Keep your chin in.
2. Avoid gripping the wheel too tightly as this tenses your muscles and adds to stress.
3. Relax your shoulders.
4. Keep your head upright.
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