IPC Physical Therapy Center - Shoulder exercises/Shoulder P.N.F


Shoulder exercises

Shoulder P.N.F

shoulder pnf


1- Flexion, abduction external rotation


-Enhance the small muscle contraction through exercising the large muscles.


-This exercise would be done better infront of a mirror. Start by standing against the wall with your hand at your opposite hip, move your shoulder upwards while rotating your arm outwards as seen in picture.

2- Flexion, adduction, internal rotation


-The same as above


-Same staring position. 
-Start with your arm away from your body (as seen in the picture) move it closer to your body while rotating it towards your opposite shoulder.


-Do not do the exercises unless advised by your doctor.

-Repetitions of each exercise depend on your tolerance and condition, usually between 30-50 times.

-If you feel any pain while doing the exercises stop and ask your doctor.
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